Attached is the letter that was mailed or emailed to all Dallas Creek Water Company, Inc. customers with their April 30, 2018 invoice.
Updates will be provided as available.
Attached is the letter that was mailed or emailed to all Dallas Creek Water Company, Inc. customers with their April 30, 2018 invoice.
Updates will be provided as available.
Please complete this form and return to us.
Anthony Ramsey (on left) was honored by Colorado Rural Water Association as Water Operator of the Year for 2016. Shown here, the Award is presented to Anthony by Paul Shreve of CRWA in February of 2017.
We congratulate Anthony for this well-deserved honor and thank him for his past twelve years of service. Anthony has been the Operator in Charge at the Dallas Creek Water Company service territory since January of 2005.
Thank you Anthony!
Dallas Creek Water Company distributes treated water for domestic and commercial use to our customers on Loghill Mesa in Ridgway, Colorado. We are regulated by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission and operate under an approved Tariff effective January 1, 2007, First Revised Tariff effective November 1, 2010 and Second Revised Tariff effective May 3, 2017. Click below to view the tariff as revised.
2nd REVISED TARIFF -Effective 5-3-2017
Dallas Creek Water Company is a privately owned public water utility. Our first priority is to provide safe and refreshing water to our customers. Our water source is Dallas Creek and our diversion pump station is located on County Road 24. After filtration begins in the creek side gallery, the water is pumped uphill through a booster pump midway up Loghill Mesa. It is then delivered to the top of the mesa to a third Pump Station. From there it is diverted either to the water treatment plant or to the Divide Golf Course irrigation ponds. Our state of the art water treatment plant is located at 220 Ponderosa Drive.
We comply with all testing required by the State of Colorado Department of Health and Environment and the Environmental Protection Agency. Our test results are published annually in the Consumer Confidence Report and distributed to all of our customers. The report is also posted on this website for review.
Dallas Creek Water is proud of our utility and eager to provide tours and answer questions about the treatment process. Education is the best asset for conservation and affordability of the most valuable resource. Please contact us to arrange a tour date.
Please click here to read about the rate increase and schedule effective May 3, 2017 and drought and disaster information.
Questions can be sent to: or by calling our business office at (970) 240-8123.
Information about the Source Water Protection Plan is below.
Questions can be sent to: or by calling our business office at (970) 240-8123.
On October 28, 2016 Dallas Creek Water Company filed the following documents with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission as part of the Advice Letter No. 4 that proposes a rate increase to four of the current rates. The filing was assigned Proceeding #16AL-0829W.
These rates will affect all residential and commercial customers as of May 3, 2017. You can view these documents by clicking the title link.
Advice Letter No. 4 filed Oct. 28, 2016
Tariff pages changed by filing Advice Letter No. 4
Public Notice of Rate Increase
Many of the water industry leaders and experts have issued statements about the recent tragedy of lead poisoning in the water of Flint Michigan homes. The official statements and general educational information is listed below.
National Rural Water Association – NRWA Statement on Lead Contamination
American Water Works Association –AWWA CEO David LaFrance- statement
AWWA – Lead information for consumers
Environmental Protection Agency- Basic Information about Lead in Drinking Water
If you have any additional questions, please call our Water Operator, Anthony Ramsey at (970) 626-3889.
The Dallas Creek Water Utility was purchased in 1993 by Jim Willey. During the purchase process, it was necessary to determine the viability of the utility to serve the full customer base. Dallas Creek Water contracted with Gary L. Beach Environmental LLC to perform the study that would prove our capacity to serve.
In 2006, that study was updated, again using Gary L. Beach Environmental LLC, and the full report is posted here. Beach Report 12.11.2006
This report was presented and approved by the Colorado Public Utilities Commission during their audit of the utility for the purpose of granting a Certificate of Convenience and Public Necessity (CPCN), part of the process of becoming a regulated utility. The CPCN was approved September 1, 2006.
This report contains a lot of information regarding the availability of water, the security of the water and the scope of service that can be accomplished by Dallas Creek Water Company.
If you have any questions about this report, please contact Bobbi Rouse at or by phone at (970) 240-8123.