Amended Notice of Proposed Rate Increase June 1, 2022

On May 3, 2022 Dallas Creek Water Company amended Advice Letter No. 8 and corrected formatting issues on the applicable tariff pages. These updated pages are linked below for your convenience.


Water Utility Tariff, Colorado PUC No. 1-Third Revised Tariff names the current rates for domestic and commercial water service within the defined service area on Loghill Mesa, Ridgway CO approved in the Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity dated September 1, 2006.

Dallas Creek Water Company has filed an Amended Advice Letter No. 8 – 4th Revised Tariff No. 1 with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission in Proceeding No. 22AL-0192 to adopt the rates listed below and textual changes contained in the proposed Tariff pages with an effective date of June 1, 2022 unless the Colorado Public Utilities Commission suspends the proposed effective date. The proposed changes will affect the residential, commercial, and utility customers within the Company’s PUC approved service area.


Current Rates Proposed Rate
December 1, 2019 June 1, 2022 Increase Percent Increase
 Base Service Fee  $                              42.90  $                              66.54  $             23.64 55.1%
 Meter In Service Fee  $                              33.70  $                              54.02  $             20.32 60.3%
 Customer Usage Fee per 1,000 gal.  $                                 9.45  $                              11.04  $               1.59 16.8%
 (up to 10,000 gal. per month)
 Customer Usage Fee per 1,000 gal.  $                  n/a  $                              13.35  $             13.35 100.0%
 (up to 10,000 gal. per month)
 Water Tap Fee  $                        7,000.00  $                      14,000.00  $       7,000.00 100.0%

Estimated annual revenue created by the changes in rates: $356,895.

This filing is available for inspection at the business office of Dallas Creek Water Company, Inc. located at 334 South 5th Street, Montrose Colorado 81401, on the company’s website at, or via the Colorado Public Utilities Commission at 1560 Broadway, Ste. 250, Denver, Colorado 80202.

Any person may file written comments or objections concerning the filing, or may request written notice of any hearing, with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission, 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, Colorado 80202 or email address Requests for written notices or information regarding hearings can be made to the Commission by telephone at (303) 894-2000 or, alternatively, by contacting the External Affairs section of the Commission at its local number (303) 894- 2070 or toll free number (800) 456-0858. The Commission will consider all written comments and objections submitted prior to the evidentiary hearing on the application.

Filing a written comment or objection by itself will not allow you to participate as a party in any proceeding established in these matters. If you wish to participate as a party in this matter, you must file written intervention documents under Commission Rule 1401, 4 Colorado Code of Regulations 723-1, or any applicable Commission order.

The Commission may hold a public hearing in addition to an evidentiary hearing on the filing, and if such a hearing is held, members of the public may attend and make statements even if they did not file comments, objection or an intervention. If the filing is uncontested or unopposed, the Commission may determine the matter without a hearing and without further notice.

05 First Amended Advice Letter No. 8 5-3-22

06 Tariff Pages 5-3-22

07 DCWC Testimony Letter attached to Amended Advice Letter No. 8 5-3-22





Notice of Proposed Rate Increase June 1, 2022

On April 29, 2022 Dallas Creek Water Company filed the following documents with the Colorado Public Utilities Commission as part of the Advice Letter No. 8 that proposes a rate increase in the current rates for domestic and commercial water service within the defined service area on Loghill Mesa, Ridgway, CO. The filing has not yet been assigned a filing number.

These proposed rates will affect all residential and commercial customers with a previously purchased tap as of June 1, 2022 if approved by the Commission. You can view these documents by clicking the title link.

Advice Letter No. 8 filed April 29, 2022

Proposed Tariff pages changed by filing Advice Letter No. 8

DCWC Testimony Letter in Support of Advice Letter No. 8

Brown Water Complaints August 2021

DCWC has noticed the formation of iron precipitate in it’s treated water and has received several calls from customers noticing the same in recent days. Weeks of intensive surface water runoff coupled with higher than normal chlorine demand (used for disinfection) have exacerbated the issue. Iron may be noticeable as a slight reddish brown tint in fixtures, tubs, and toilets.

The water is meeting and exceeding state drinking water standards and has been properly disinfected. A simple sediment filter installed at the point of use (house) would be sufficient to remove residual iron. Water quality should return to normal seasonal conditions once raw water turbidity & chlorine demand diminish in the coming days.

Any further questions should be directed to Anthony Ramsey at 970-626-3889.

Notice of Advice Letter No. 7 – Temporary Rate Increase for Metered Customers


November 1, 2019


Good morning Dallas Creek Water Company water users. On October 31, 2019, DCWC submitted Advice Letter No. 7, it’s cover letter, and all supporting documentation to the Colorado Public Utilities Commission for review and approval.

The advice letter is in accordance with Decision No. R17-0277 issued by the Commission on April 10, 2017 and has been assigned the Proceeding No 19AL-0601W. DCWC has asked the Commission to approve a temporary, one-time rate increase for the metered customers connected to the distribution system as of December 1, 2019.

The filing detail can be viewed on the Public Utilities Commission website by clicking here or by clicking through the links below.

With regard to the emergency water supply project and charges stated above, anyone who desires may file written comments or objections with the Commission. The filing of a written objection by itself will not allow you to participate as a party in any proceeding on the proposed action. If you wish to participate as a party in this matter, you must timely file written intervention documents in accord with Rule 1401 of the Commission’s Rules of Practice and Procedure and of any applicable Commission order.

The Commission may hold a public hearing in addition to an evidentiary hearing on the proposed revisions and if such a hearing is held members of the public may attend and make statements even if they did not file comments, objections, or an intervention. If the filing is uncontested or unopposed, the Commission may determine the matter without a hearing and without further notice.

Anyone desiring information regarding if and when a hearing may be held shall submit a written request to the Commission or contact the External Affairs section of the Commission at its local number of (303) 894-2070 or toll-free number (800) 456-0858.

Although this Advice Letter only pertains to the emergency water supply and proposed charges, current rates and tariffs are available for examination at the business office of Dallas Creek Water Company, Inc located at 334 S 5th St Montrose, on the internet at 17.pdf

or via Public Utilities Commission at 1560 Broadway, Suite 250, Denver, Colorado 80202.

Customers who have questions may call the Company at 970-240-8123 or email the question to